
Friday, November 9, 2012

My Book is Out!

The Kindle edition of my book is now available on Amazon! It's a children's picture book called "What Should I Put on My Feet to Go Run?" and it's about a little bear who is very confused about whether he needs to put on shoes before he can go run around outside and his patient mother who tries to straighten him out. Here are a couple of snippets:

"But what about sneakers, should I wear some of those
While I'm running around so I don't stub my toes?"

"No, silly bear--listen to me, please:
To go run around you don't need galoshes or skis.

"You just need some feet and some fur in the breeze
And some grass and some sunlight, and maybe some trees.

"For a bear's foot should be barefoot; it's really the best way
For a bear to run around on a honey-sunny day."

As partial as I am to my verse, it's really the illustrations (by Laura Hollingsworth, an amazingly talented art student) that are the best part. They are just wonderful.

As mentioned, the Kindle ebook is the only version currently available, but a print version is in the works and should be available in the next week or so, so stay tuned.