Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I'm Still Alive

Okay, I know I've been MIA for a while now, but no need to send out the search party just yet. I've been taking a much needed break from running after finishing my best season of running ever--by far--and seem to have lost the motivation to do much of anything else--such as write--at the same time.

Which isn't to say that I've been completely idle. In the last couple of months I've run my first 50 miler, my first barefoot race, and my fifth ultra in 5 1/2 months (reports for all three coming soon). I finished up my 7 day fruitarian challenge, which ended almost exactly three months after it started (it turns out that 1, I can't count, and 2, I really like fruit). I've been marketing my book (mostly unsuccessfully), starting CrossFit, and relearning how to cook (I'm thinking of doing a paleo challenge). In unrelated areas, I've also started on a CD of hymn arrangements for piano that I'll be writing and recording, and Emily and I are in the midst of planning our upcoming vacation, 9 days of which will be spent running through the Crete Senese of southern Tuscany.

I can't look at this without getting hungry
All of which has given me a lot to write about but very little time in which to actually write. But never fear, more actual content to come. Stay tuned.